In both of my previous posts (TEAM CBT and Yan Shou Gong), I’ve mentioned “testing”. Testing is also an extremely important discipline in software engineering.
read moreIn both of my previous posts (TEAM CBT and Yan Shou Gong), I’ve mentioned “testing”. Testing is also an extremely important discipline in software engineering.
read moreSince my teens, I have had an interest in the Martial Arts, and practiced Nanbudo for a few years back then.
read moreContact Improvisation is a dance form that was developed in 1972 by Steve Paxton. He and his associates wanted to develop a form of dance that was in physical contact, yet improvised.
read moreOnce upon a time, there was a young man. His name was Siddhartha. He had a privileged upbringing, but wasn’t satisfied with life.
read moreContinuing on the theme of describing methods for approaching Fundamental Wellbeing, the second I wish to mention is the Sedona Method, by Lester Levenson in the 1950s.
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