Feeling Great

Feeling Great

Dr David D Burns


My take:

I first came across Dr Burns in his podcast.

What he offered in his podcast was sufficiently intriguing for me to read his book.

Dr Burns was one of the early practitioners of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), helping popularise it with his book, Feeling Good. This book, Feeling Great, is an update to that, to add his later innovations.

In my thinking about the Odoki Method, whilst it is true that it is possible to reach a level of wellbeing that is independent of external circumstance (I call this Deep Wellbeing), to find that, we need to start at the beginning. And at that beginning, sometimes we are dysregulated, even traumatised. Dr Burn’s system strikes me as an invaluable approach to the task of understanding and working with that which prevents us starting in the first place.

I’ve written more here.

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